The Importance Of EEHA Inspections For Workplace Safety

hazardous area electrical maintenance

In industries that have an explosive atmosphere electrical systems have to be put up and run and kept with a great deal of care and safety for human beings as well as the environment. The presence of flammable gases vapours or dusts in the atmosphere holds a great degree of risks, and needs special care and attention which hazardous area electrical maintenance and EEHA inspections become very much helpful in those areas of mitigating that risk.Hazardous area electrical maintenance is the day to day processes and practices made to ensure that the hazardous environment electrical systems and equipment continue to function properly without causing harm. Systems within this category include such as electrical equipment including motors junction boxes circuit breakers and cables, all of which are supposed to have been specifically designed for safe operation in explosive atmospheres without causing ignition sources. Hazardous area electrical maintenance is the combination of regular inspections, testing, repair, and replacement meant to preserve the integrity of the electrical system. This is one safety management in every workplace where there exists the use of explosive materials and hazardous substances for operations; some of the workplaces include oil and gas petrochemical mining, manufacturing sectors.

Another very important aspect of hazardous area electrical maintenance is the application of EEHA inspections. EEHA inspections are specific safety checks required for electrical installations in hazardous areas. EEHA stands for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas and these inspections are designed to ensure that electrical equipment complies with Australian safety standards and regulations. These purpose of EEHA inspections involves ascertaining whether such installation of equipment has been completed in a manner that safeguards it against the ignition of any hazardous material. Such assessments inspect electrical systems to ascertain that all such systems comply with what standards like AS/NZS 60079 dictate or outline for electrical equipment utilized for explosive atmospheres.For instance EEHA inspections check for explosion-proof enclosures intact and so on so that hazardous substance in all probability does not find passage. The same is followed by checking any wear and tear sign to lead to the possibility of failure or its protective measures are grounded and earthing is made on it or not.These inspections are saving companies from possible safety accidents will help keep them operating in full flow and expensive disruption in businesses resulting from breakdown of equipment can be prevented. A very significant advantage of EEHA inspection is that the probable danger situations which could have eventually led to an accident would be discovered well before hand. With scheduled inspection opportunities exist for issues that arise early before they reach severe form.By addressing the problems immediately businesses prevent accidents and ensure the safety of their workers. Improvement of safety, Hazardous Area electrical Maintenance EEHA inspections also help business operations save money in the longer term and regular maintenance coupled with inspections can extend the use of electrical equipment reduces pricey repairs and minimizes possible instances of downtime. For more information please contact: